Thursday, May 14, 2009


TIME...How much do we have of it? Or should I say, how little do we have left?

People diagnosed with cancer spend each waking day thanking God for such blessing; and yet people with perfect health waste each day smoking pot and getting high...

People working 80 hours a week would give up anything for a day off; and yet people still put off for tomorrow what they can do for today...

People who realize they just lost their love spend each hour winning them back; and yet people surrounded by love spend each hour keeping them away, thinking how suffocating it gets...

Time is indeed a luxury we can afford.

But can we afford to lose too much of it?

At the end of the day, we recount all the days lost, hours wasted, minutes dissipated...

Too many what-ifs cloud our head

Shoulda woulda couldas take the best out of us...

We have the slightest idea of how much time we have, and we have no clue how little we have left.

Take time and think about it...

...clock is ticking...

Next thing you know--time is up.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely written essay!

    If you wish to write short stories, start off with a "hook," something to draw the writer in. Write the story, even if the thoughts are a little jumbled. Then you rewrite it several times until you feel it's ready to be submitted.

    Best of luck!
